JAEP Seven new scholarship for 2024-2025.
A total of eighty seven young people from Dheisheh Camp have received a JAEP scholarship to study for an undergraduate degree
September is the time of year when we allocate funding to young people living in Dheisheh Palestinian Refugee Camp, Bethlehem to study at their local universities. We often refer to this as the harvest of our year. The acute need to support students continues because of the deteriorating economic and political situation which has become significantly worse since 07/10/23.
Our scholarship allocations are always informed by conversations at Dheisheh and the universities both of whom recommend that the JAEP scholarship funds the majority of the tuition fees but not all. The young person has always been encouraged to find more than one source of funding and for their families to contribute. Since 07/10/23 family incomes have plummeted, which has made this much harder to achieve, with the result that some of the students have accumulated tuition fee debts. Students have to clear the debt before they can graduate.
In 2024-2025 we have revisited our previous funding allocations and helped the students repay these debts. JAEP pays the fees directly to the universities in US$.
Prior to offering scholarships JAEP ensures that it has sufficient money, to fund the young adult for the entirety of their undergraduate course. For this academic year JAEP funds are committed until 2027/2028 for some of the students. The duration ranges from four years for the majority of courses to six years for medicine. The tuition fees per academic year range from £4288 for medicine to £1788 for nursing.
JAEP has allocated 7 new scholarships as follows:
Al Quds University (3 female). Studying Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy.
Bethlehem University (4 female). Three studying Nursing and one Midwifery. Unipal has funded two of the students.
JAEP is supporting 10 students continuing students.
In addition, 10 JAEP students are progressing to the next year of their study, (9 at Al Quds University and 1 at Bethlehem University.) Unipal continues to fund for the second year a midwifery student at Bethlehem University.
Eleven students graduated.
4 students graduated from Bethlehem University: Accountancy (good), Midwifery (outstanding), Nursing (excellent, very good)
7 students graduated from Al Quds University: Economics (good), Electrical Engineering (good), Industrial Engineering (good), Medicine (very good, very good), Nursing (good, good)
Sadly because universities remain closed graduation ceremonies could not take place. We theefore have no graduation photos to share.
The photos below are for 2023-2024.
Anwaar Midwifery
We have spent time with Anwaar in February 2023 at Bethlehem University.
Anwaar graduated from Bethlehem University in July 2023 with a ‘very good’ evaluation and is now seeking full time employment. Anwaar ‘Thank you JAEP for being part of this journey.’
Razan Dentistry
We first met and spent time with Razan in February 2020 at Al Quds University.
Razan graduated from Al Quds University in July 2023 with a ‘very good’ evaluation. Razan ‘Thank you JAEP for your finance, you help us in many ways, especially to motivate us to be more focussed in our study to be able to graduate’.
Dentists are required by their government to spend a year in practical training before applying for employment as a dentist.
Yasmeen Medicine
We met and spent time with Yasmeen in February 2020 and February 2023.
Yasmeen graduated from Al Quds University with a ‘very good evaluation’.
Yasmeen ‘Many students hope to achieve their dreams but, financially are not able to do this so thank you to all who support JAEP, I hope you will be able to support many more students in the future’
Doctors are required by their government to spend a year in practical training before applying for employment as a doctor.
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Al Quds University Campus
The Wall outside Al Quds University Campus
Anwaar Midwifery Graduated from Bethlehem University with a Very Good evaluation July 2023
Razan Graduated Dentistry from Al Quds University with a Very Good evaluation July 2023
Yasmeen Graduated Medicine from Al Quds University with a Very Good evaluation in July 2023