
As of January 2025 we have raised £629,216. 99% has been used to support the students through bursaries with our overheads only accounting for 1% of the funding received. Our overheads include the printing of leaflets, business cards, purchase of a visual projector, hosting this website and a pull up banner.

Impact of students receiving JAEP funding

Without financial support many students have to interrupt or even terminate their studies, because they / their parents don’t have enough money to pay the tuition fees. All students refer to the difficult economic situation in their country.

Receiving funding enables the student to focus on their studies, with the result that their grades improve. Tutors at the universities report that young people from refugee camps are hard working, support their peers and achieve some of the highest grades on their respective courses.

“Thank you JAEP receiving funding has helped me to be a student at the college I always dreamt to be in”.— Hiba Dentistry

Thank you JAEP receiving funding has helped me to be a student at the college I always dreamt to be in”.

— Hiba Dentistry

“JAEP funding has removed anxiety and stress about fees and helped me to focus on my studies that help me develop myself.”— Leen Electrical Engineering

JAEP funding has removed anxiety and stress about fees and helped me to focus on my studies that help me develop myself.

— Leen Electrical Engineering

JAEP sponsored Marwa throughout her undergraduate degree in Medicine. Marwa graduated in July 2018 and works as a doctor for UNWRA. Marwa lives in Dheisheh.

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