Thank you from JAEP to all who attended the many events to mark the 20th Anniversary of John’s death, celebrate JAEP achievements and give thanks to the amazing support from you all.
Church services 2024
28 January 5pm Evensong at Mancroft to be followed by Middle Eastern light refreshments and presentation from the JAEP team. Anne (Chair) will speak during the service and Liz (Secretary) lead the intercessions. The 28 January is the nearest Sunday to the 20th Anniversary of John’s death on 25/01/2004. John was a curate at Mancroft 1979 -1982.
4 February 10.30 am Mass at St. Giles. Anne will speak during the service. John’s body was brought into St. Giles on 5/02/2004. He was their Priest in Charge from September 1999 until his death.
6 February Evensong 5.30pm Norwich Cathedral. The Dean, The Very Revd Dr. Andrew Braddock will preach and The Precentor, Canon Aidan Platten will lead the intercessions. Both of whom knew John well. John’s funeral was here on 06/02/2004. The service will be followed by wine or soft drinks and nibbles.
17 March Eucharist at 10am St. Mary’s Attleborough followed by All Saints Besthorpe at 11.30. Anne will speak during the service. A Memorial Service was held in St. Mary’s on 27/03/2004. John was Rector from 1982 – 1999.
30 January 7pm Rotary Club of St. Edmunds Salvation Army Mile Cross Norwich Anne delivering JAEP update
5 February 2pm Little Melton MU Village Hall Liz delivering JAEP update
1 March 10.30am Ipswich Road URC World day of Prayer Liz delivering JAEP update
1 March 2pm Wymondham RC World day of Prayer Liz delivering JAEP update
2 March 12.30pm East Carleton Church Lent Lunch Anne delivering JAEP update
4 March 7.30pm Mile Cross Salvation Army Anne delivering JAEP update
7 March 6.30pm Rotary Club of Norwich Anne delivering JAEEP update
9 March 1 - 4.30pm Swainsthorpe Women World Day of Prayer, Swainsthrope Community Centre and St. Peter’s Church Liz delivering an update
12 March 12pm St. John’s Timberhill Lent Lunch Anne delivering JAEP update
18 March 2pm Fakenham Churchwomen’s Group Fakenham Church Anne delivering JAEP update
6 April 2pm Quarter Peal at St. Giles Church in memory of 20th anniversary of John’s death
20 April 8am Mens Breakfast group Cringleford Anne delivering JAEP update